What type of data collection was used in each of your selected studies? Discuss as many different ways you can think of to collect data using a survey

#1- Data Collection and Findings

  • After completing your readings and using the articles you have selected to evaluate, discuss the following topics:



Use your Research Methods in Practice text to complete the following:

Review Chapter 7, “Surveys and Other Primary Data,” pages 211–240.

Read Chapter 8, “Making Sense of the Numbers,” pages 241–280.

Read Chapter 10, “Making Sense of Multivariate Statistics,” pages 313–346.

Read Chapter 18, “IBM SPSS Statistics Environment,” pages 760–759.

Field, A. (2013). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS Statistics (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.


  • What type of data collection was used in each of your selected studies?
  • Discuss as many different ways you can think of to collect data using a survey.
  • Discuss whether the data are more or less accurate if you collect the survey using one mode versus a different mode such as phone interview versus mailed survey.
  • Do characteristics of the sample impact which mode is more appropriate? For example, is it appropriate to send an Internet survey to a group of elders with no access to the Internet?
  • Did your author include enough detail about how the data were collected?
  • Could you use these instructions as a recipe to replicate this study?
  • What steps were missing?
  • Did the author discuss how the data were cleaned and managed?
  • Was the author’s mode of data collection appropriate for the sample?
  • Did the author of the study link the findings back to the theory?
  • If so, how was the theory used to interpret the findings? How did the findings contribute to the theory?

Note: All discussion posts are expected to follow APA guidelines for style and formatting and include citations when appropriate. Refer to the Resources section for guidance with APA style and format.

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