(2017FA1-ART-223534-02) Images of Women in Western Civilization*I need as follows:Discussion one:In this discussion activity, I will model the kind of Leading Discussion exercise that you will be taking on, starting Week 3.Typically, there will be three or more discussion leaders each week, and each leader is to initiate one leading post. For this week, you will see three leading posts and only need to participate in/follow up on discussion under these leading posts.First, as the leader, I focus on a few topics and questions from the assigned readings that I think will help us begin analyzing images of women in ancient times. For example, let’s consider some perspectives that women’s history scholar Sarah Pomeroy (1995) has taken to understand how women were perceived in ancient times. Below are the three Instructor-led discussion prompts:1. Mythology and Stereotypes: While reading Chapter 1, Goddesses and Gods, what sort of images do you think mythology creates for women? Do you think that some of the assumptions or stereotypes toward women might have evolved from mythology? What are the assumptions or stereotypes that you find interesting or problematic?2. Documenting Women’s Lives in Ancient Times: As I continue reading Pomeroy’s Goddesses, Whores, Wives, and Slaves, (from Introduction to Chapter 3), I notice that she points out several reasons why women’s creative work and lives are not well recorded throughout history. What are the reasons? How does the lack of sufficient information affect our understanding of women’s lives in ancient times? Whose lives get recorded?3. Codes of a Patriarchal Society: To delve deeper into what women’s and men’s lives were alike in the early Western civilization, please share some particular gender codes or rules you find in Chapters 2 or 3. Are there any codes or rules you find particularly unexpected or curious? Do you see any codes that have continued to live on and be practiced (directly or indirectly) even today? How does a code reflect the societal needs and context in different times?Throughout the week, join your classmates in discussion of the topics, issues, and questions raised by the discussion leaders; however, please don’t be too anxious to respond to all the posts. Choose the ones that you are prepared to answer first and then continue to explore others throughout the week. You may point out additional issues or topics presented in the text, raise more questions, offer additional resources, or provide further insights into women’s lives in ancient civilization.Reminder:Be sure to read
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