Assignment One Chapter 1 Compare and contrast a four Ps approach to marketing versus the value approach (creating, communicating, and delivering value). Select and examine these approaches for at least one standard and non-standard problem. What would you expect to be the same and what would you expect to be different between two companies that apply one or the other approach? Note: Please review my expectations for the assignment. I expect your response to include 2 or more references from the APUS Library system (failure to include such references will detract from your grade on the assignment), and be presented in APA Format. Deliverable length is a minimum of 2 body pages. Assignment 3 Chapter 5 1.Describe a product you like that you believe more people should purchase. As a marketer, how would you reposition the product in the cusomer’s mind to increase its purchase? Outline your strategy. Create a new tagline for this product. Note: Please review my expectations for the assignment. I expect your response to include 2 or more references from the APUS Library system (failure to include such references will detract from your grade on the assignment), and be presented in APA Format. Deliverable length is a minimum of 2 body pages. Assignment 6 There are two parts to this assignment. Part 1: Try to remember the billboards on your commute to work or school. How many do you think there are? Explain why you remembered any of them. Next time you are on that route, note how many billboards there actually are. Are they effective? Part 2–You’ve been asked to create a new social media networking site. What would you name the site and what would you suggest to make it better than existing sites? Note: Please review my expectations for the assignment. I expect your response to include 2 or more references from the APUS Library system (failure to include such references will detract from your grade on the assignment), and be presented in APA Format. Deliverable length is a minimum of 2 body pages. Assignment 7 Are you especially loyal to any one brand? If so, what is it and why are you so loyal? When successfully building loyalty and community, trust seems to be the biggest factor. How can a company build trust and what is the best approach to do so (incorporating concepts from both the field of marketing and psychology)? What are the ethical issues and obligations that come with trust once it is built? Should consumers trust companies? Why or why not? Do you think some consumers are just more prone to be loyal to companies and other consumers are not? Why or why not? Note: Please review my expectations for the assignment. I expect your response to include 2 or more references from the APUS Library system (failure to include such references will detract from your grade on the assignment), and be presented in APA Format. Deliverable length is a minimum of 2 body pages.
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