an overview of the company’s business and the key issues related to the company,an analysis of the industry or industries in which it competes and a description of where the corporation fits in the industry

Outline for your paper.

This includes(1)an overview of the company’s business and the key issues related to the company,(2)an analysis of the industry or industries in which it competes and a description of where the corporation fits in the industry,(3)a description of the company’s strategies and their competition,(4)a brief SWOT analysis,(5)a comparison of the corporation’s financial performance to an appropriate peer group with your assessment of how the company is performing, and(6)your recommendations and how they address the key issues the company faces.

  • Number of slides – approximately seven (at your discretion) as follows:
  1. Title slide with the company’s name, our class # and name, your name, and the date;
  2. A slide giving an overview of the company and the key issues;
  3. A slide describing the industry and competition;
  4. A slide describing the company’s strategies;
  5. A slide with a SWOT analysis; and
  6. A slide comparing the company’s financial performance to a peer group for comparison;
  7. A final slide with your recommendations.

EXPECTATIONS – I will expect the following from ppt.

  1. Make sure your slides are error free.
  2. You must do a financial comparison to three or four competitors if possible. If there are not three or four available, then make a comparison of your company to one or two key competitors. This comparison need only be done for the most recent fiscal year end.
  3. “What does numbers tell you?”
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