Application of Nursing Theory to Practice

ication of Nursing Theory to Practice
A 16 page paper discussing the case of Mr. K, an 81-year-old heart failure patient hospitalized so that his medication can be adjusted to his changing condition. The paper provides details of Mr. K, followed by discussion of Orem’s self care and Roy’s adaptation models. Both the Orem and Roy models are useful with this patient. Though the end goals are the same in each, the methods of achieving those goals are adaptable to Mr. K’s specific situation. Both of the models help to negate reference to any specific patient in a dehumanizing manner, but keeps attention on the patient framed in terms of an individual with unique qualities. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

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Application of Nursing Theory to Practice

ication of Nursing Theory to Practice
A 16 page paper discussing the case of Mr. K, an 81-year-old heart failure patient hospitalized so that his medication can be adjusted to his changing condition. The paper provides details of Mr. K, followed by discussion of Orem’s self care and Roy’s adaptation models. Both the Orem and Roy models are useful with this patient. Though the end goals are the same in each, the methods of achieving those goals are adaptable to Mr. K’s specific situation. Both of the models help to negate reference to any specific patient in a dehumanizing manner, but keeps attention on the patient framed in terms of an individual with unique qualities. Bibliography lists 8 sources.

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Application of Nursing Theory to Practice

Question: You are a professional nurse caring for Mr. R, a 58-year-old patient who recently underwent surgery for colon cancer resulting in a temporary colostomy. Select one of the assigned or unassigned nursing theories from our textbook and address the following:

  • Basic content and terminology of the theory or model you select, and
  • How you would provide professional nursing care for Mr. R. using that theory. Be sure to use terminology from the selected nursing theory to explain your interventions.
  • APA format require. ( including the citation part)
  • Reference Required:Hood, L. J. (2014). Leddy & Pepper’s conceptual bases of professional nursing (8th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
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