Art Class/ Describe, Examples and Comparison

 We are using an online series this semester – “Art Through Time”.  You can find it online at the Annenberg website –


Watch Program 1 – ( Converging Cultures). The Annenburg foundation has a Video on Demand (VOD) service. It may require you to register and set a username and password for yourself. Don’t worry about registering, they don’t follow up with sales emails or anything else.


Describe what the program is about. Then, describe your reaction or opinion of what you saw in the program. Choose 3 topics from the show to describe in detail and be sure to describe at least 3 artworks shown in the program. The overall length of your post should be around 5 paragraphs .  When you have concluded writing your own reaction to the video.


Give examples of creative people in various walks of life as well as in the visual arts, and list and talk about the traits of creativity that these people demonstrate. Talk about how an artist might fail in accomplishing his/her objectives or in completing planned work due to lacking one or more of the traits. Are there specific ways in which the average person, in the same way as an artists, can work on improving some of the creative traits in their everyday life to accomplish their goals more completely.

Write at least 350 words.


Look at both the Leonardo and the Rembrandt that are connected with this discussion (you will find links below). Consider how each artist handles line differently to create a different impression. Do you see anything that was mentioned in our readings in the drawings? Are the lines delicate, bold, thick, thin, contrasting? Do they suggest personality differences of the artist?

Describe the painting and what is being shown.

Are the shapes rounded, square, jagged, smooth?

Is the lighting, strongly contrasted…light and bright…..deep and dark? Does the lighting create a mood?

What do you notice about the differences of drawing styles?

For Rembrandt

For this discussion board, look at “Beggars Receiving Alms at the Door of a House” by Rembrandt.

If this image is not available, the same image is seen at

Click the image to get a larger view.

Here’s a link to other etchings by Rembrandt.

General biographical information about Rembrandt

For Leonardo da Vinci

Compare it with Leonardo Davinci’s Head of a Girl.

You may also find this at

Here’s a link to other drawings by Leonardo.

For general biographical information about Da Vinci

Then  do a comparison of the line, shapes and light plus the general character of the two drawing styles.

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