Multiple Choice:

1. Computer-based mapping and analysis of location-based data best describes:

a. GIS.

b. GPS.

c. remote sensing.

d. aerial photography.

2. Acquiring real-time location information from a series of satellites in orbit best describes

a. a geographic information system.

b. a global positioning system.

c. remote sensing.

d. satellite imagery.

3. Which of the following is an example of non-spatial data?

a. List of addresses for a delivery truck to visit

b. Parcel database of all residential developments in a neighborhood

c. Digital map of all roads in a township

d. Map of locations of emergency phones on a college campus

4. What makes geospatial data unique?

a. It does not contain any location information.

b. It contains descriptive information for all locations.

c. It contains a unique name for every potential location.

d. It is connected to a real-world location.

5. Google Earth is an example of a

a. social map.

b. satellite map.

c. virtual globe.

d. GPS.

6. Imagery that you can see in Google Earth

a. represents one “snapshot” in time from when the image was acquired.

b. is updated via a live link to a Google satellite in orbit.

c. represents the current satellite image from when you start Google Earth.

d. is not updated—you must use the Keyhole Viewer program to see current imagery.

7. Environmental conditions for the planet Earth can be monitored by which of the following?

a. Remote sensing

b. Global positioning systems

c. Non-spatial data

d. Tabular data

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