Devry BSOP326 Course Project: Part 2 – Kaizen or Balanced Score Card Research Paper

Course Project: Part 2 – Kaizen or Balanced Score Card Research Paper (due at the end of Week 5)″>Objectives |″>Guidelines |″>Grading Rubrics |″>Best Practices

Objectives”>Back to Top
This project involves researching and writing a short research paper on your choice of Kaizen or Balanced Score Card. Our text addresses many of the areas in the management and control of quality and provides a great amount of information on a number of different quality concepts. However, the authors give only brief attention to Kaizen and no attention to the performance measurement system known as Balanced Scorecard. Prepare a 600-word paper on one of the following two choices: 1. The history and application of Kaizen to Process Improvement or 2. The history, application, and benefits of the Balanced Score Card as a tool for Performance Measurement. You should not limit your research to online materials. There are an abundance of scholarly books and articles available on these topics. Submit the completed paper to your Dropbox.

You will research your choice of these topics and work to determine the impact they have had in the areas of process improvement and performance measurement.

The project will require sustained research effort until the paper is submitted. You are encouraged to begin work on the project during Week 4 and be prepared to submit the required project deliverables by the end of Week 5. A basic APA tutorial can be found in the webliography, and a paper template can be found in Doc Sharing.

Guidelines”>Back to Top
The paper will be a short research paper on your choice of either Kaizen as a process improvement methodology or the Balanced Scorecard method of performance measurement. It will adhere to the grading specifications as described below. The student will submit a paper of at least 600 words, not including title page and references, by the end of class Week 5. The student will use a minimum of three references. All references are to be from academic journals, professional or academic textbooks, authored websites, or standard business publications such as The Wall Street Journal. Not more that 30% of the content will be from direct quotations. The final score will be reduced by one point for each percentage point when the direct quotations are over 30% of the content.

NOTE: Wikipedia and unauthored websites are not acceptable sources. Do not use these types of sources; otherwise, you will lose points.

The format of the paper should conform to the Publication Manual for the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition, for the title page, text, citations, references, and so forth. A basic APA tutorial can be found in the Webliography, and a template for the paper can be found in Doc Sharing. Completed papers will be submitted to your Dropbox as MS Word documents. All graphics will be a part of the Word document and submitted as a file. Documents authored in other applications such as WordPerfect or MS Works will not be accepted.

This project is to be accomplished individually and will reflect the work of each student. All DeVry University policies are in effect, including the plagiarism policy. Late papers will not be accepted without prior permission.

Submit your Kaizen or balanced score card research paper to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page by the end of Week 5. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these″>step-by-step instructions or watch this″>Dropbox Tutorial.

See the Syllabus section “Due Dates for Assignments & Exams” for due date information.

Grading Rubrics”>Back to Top





Content and Organization3050%Description
All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way.
Sources and references

5The content is comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive. The paper develops a central theme or idea that is directed toward the appropriate audience.
5The paper links theory to relevant examples of current experience and industry practice and correctly uses the vocabulary of the theory.
Content addresses key questions:
What ideas form the core of these methodologies?
What are the implications of these methodologies for the future of TQM?

5The paper provides adequate support and/or evidence in support of points and assertions that are made.
5The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points.
Readability and Style1525% Description
3Paragraph transitions are present, logical and maintain the flow throughout the paper.
3The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.
3Sentences are complete, clear, and concise.
3Sentences are well constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences.
3Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought.
Mechanics1525% Description
3The paper, including the title page, reference page, tables, and appendices, follows APA guidelines for format.
3Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow APA guidelines.
3The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.
3Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed.
3Spelling is correct.

60100% A quality paper will meet or exceed all of the above requirements.

Best Practices”>Back to Top
The following are the best practices in preparing this paper. Sample papers, using APA format, are located in Doc Sharing. Other useful information has also been provided there, including an APA paper template.
Cover page: Include the person you prepared the paper for, who prepared it, and the date.
Introduction: In APA format, the introduction is understood to be the first content of your work; thus, it does NOT require a title.

The purpose of an introduction or opening:
Introduce the subject and why the subject is important.
Preview the main ideas and the order in which they will be covered.
Establish the tone of the document.
Include in the introduction a reason for the audience to read the paper. Also, include an overview of what you are going to cover in your paper and the importance of the material. (This should include or introduce the questions you are asked to answer on each assignment.)
Body of your work: Include titles to identify different areas that you address. State the main ideas, major points in each idea, and supporting information. Break down each main idea you will use in the body of your paper. Show some type of division, like separate sections that are labeled, separate groups of paragraphs, or headers. You would include the information you found during your research and investigation.
Summary and conclusion: Summarizing is similar to paraphrasing, but it presents the gist of the material in fewer words than the original. An effective summary identifies the main ideas and major support points from the body of your report. Minor details are left out.

Additional hints on preparing the best possible project:
Apply a three-step process of writing: plan, write, and complete.
Prepare an outline of your research paper before you go forward.
Complete a first draft, and then go back to edit, evaluate, and make any changes required.
Use visual communication if it will help clarify and support your work. Any material that can be removed and not affect the clarity of your work is essentially filler and should be avoided. Filler distracts from the flow of your work and will most likely cause you to lose points.
References: APA formatted references are required for this assignment.

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