Devry BSOP326 week 4 and 5 discussion

Week 4

TQM and Teams (graded)

Teams are something we talk about a lot when it comes to TQM. Why are teams instrumental to TQM, or are they? What kinds of teams exist in a TQM operation?

Employee Involvement (graded)

Just what is employee involvement? Is it always good? What key elements are necessary to keep it going? Are there different kinds of involvement?

Week 5

Cost of Quality (graded)

Although a balanced score card is probably the way to go, most companies don’t seem to have a clue about the more fundamental aspects of quality, such as the cost of quality. So let’s start here. Just what do we mean when we talk about the cost of quality? What major areas does it include?

Supplier Relationships (graded)

An integral part of TCO 9 concerns supplier relationships. What kinds of relationships exist with suppliers? What can be done to reduce the number suppliers you use?

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