DEVRY SOCS350 WEEK 5 and week 6 discussions

week 5

Blocked Responses (graded)

Do a Library search for an article called Strain Theory from Encyclopedia of Race and Crime. This article talks about the kinds of responses that one might expect when the “normal” legitimate means to acquiring the “good” stuff in life is blocked. The block can be deliberate or the result of social structure. What advice would you have for any individual who exhibits these responses?

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The Glass Ceiling (graded)

We often hear about the “glass ceiling.” Does it exist? Are there invisible barriers to advancement that impact some groups more than others? Use examples from the course reading to support your points, and feel free to share your own experiences with the glass ceiling.

week 6

Examining Strategies (graded)

Review the link to the documentary, A Class Divided, which can be found in the Week 6 Lecture. What strategies does the teacher, Jane Elliott, use to address prejudice and discrimination? How does the strategy vary according to the audience (children or adults in this case)? Try to connect the strategies presented in the documentary to the strategies discussed in this week’s lecture or course reading.

Traditions and Cultures (graded)

In our diverse society, how do we honor the traditions and cultures of so many varied groups without inadvertently disadvantaging anyone? How can we develop strategies to ensure that cultural traditions are respected and preserved while recognizing our commonalities?

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