Everest Univ SCC 3004 Week 2,4,6 AND 8 Individual Work FALL 2015

Individual Work

Week 2: Week Two – Individual Work

Determine the necessary career steps to become a private investigator.

Each individual state has various licensing requirements for private investigators, based on an individual’s job experience and training.

Write a 1-2 page paper (300 word minimum) detailing the steps for becoming a licensed private investigator in a particular state. You can choose your own state or select another state based on available resources. Include the various testing and application requirements to become a licensed private investigator.

Week 4: Week Four – Individual Work

Examine various public records as tools for private investigation.

For this assignment, you will be introduced to Internet sources and examine how to use search engines more productively.

Utilizing at least three sources from the Internet, complete a basic investigation to find a relative or friend. You can also use sources like Facebook to find a friend you have not yet ‘friended.’ Other options are sources likeZabasearch,Spokeo.comor any of the resources listed in Chapter 4, pages 119-133 of your textbook.

Write a 2-3-page paper (300-400 words) summarizing your investigation, beginning with a rationale for choosing the subject of the search. Also describe your methods of using sources, and why you used the particular sources. Include what the sources can provide for the average person and the outcome of your search. If you did find the person, did you contact him or her and verify their identity? If you were unsuccessful, what were the reasons?

Week 6: Week Six – Individual Work

Analyze the legal differences between private investigators and public law enforcement.

Consider the reading assignment on interviews and interrogation from Chapter 5 of your textbook. When conducting an interview or interrogation, why are private investigators held to a higher standard, and subject to more legal ramifications than are police?

Write a 2-3-page paper (300-400 words) summarizing the differences in the guidelines for private investigators and police in interviewing and interrogation. Research any case laws that apply in these matters.

Week 8: Week Eight – Individual Work

Graded Activity: Individual Work (70 points)

Instructional Objectives for this activity:

Explain key techniques used in surveillance operations.

Private investigators utilize surveillance to obtain information and facts about various “targets” who may be untruthful with their spouses or employers. Surveillance is a skill that requires knowledge and practice. Selecting the correct vehicle and/or tools for a particular situation also requires training and knowledge in mobile vs. static surveillance.

Research and describe your optimum surveillance vehicles and why you choose that particular vehicle for a particular surveillance project. How would your own vehicle fit into the situation? What works for or against your favor? Describe what clothes you would wear, desired communication, surveillance devices, and the manpower required for the various types of surveillance operations.

Write a 2-3-page paper (300-400 words) summarizing the case and your analysis.

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