general business data bank mcq true false fill in blank- final exam

1.People are rational economic actors motivated solely by self-interest.

2. Deontology is a moral theory that emphasizes one’s duty to a particular action because it is inherently correct.

3.Most people expect fair play in their interactions and will even forgo economic benefits in order to maintain a fair system.

4.An organization can be convicted of a crime even if only one employee breaks the law.

5.Absolute good is a concept most aligned with utilitarianism.

6.The more a firm demands unquestioning obedience to authority, the more likely the firm will experience higher levels of unethical conduct among employees.

7.Key elements of the shared community worldview imperative include the exhortation to create a common body of knowledge, the destruction of social institutions, and realignment when society veers too far from the worldview.

8. Traditionally, European colonizers believed cultural relativism was legitimate.

9. According to Aristotle’s theory relation to habits of character, one should be judged by one’s “great actions.”

10. Utilitarianism suggests that an action is morally correct when it produces more total utility for the individual.

11. Ethical issues are always legal issues.

12. Our forms the basis for all of our normative and factual judgments, and it is inseparably linked to our ability to value.

13. accept the benefits of society, do not contribute, but expect others to carry the cost.

14. visions of the world focus on the best of all possible situations that could occur, regardless of human nature or historical fact, while models challenge us to be good in the realistic possibilities of the world.

15. In the people assert culturally based preferences that are not functionally tied to the phenomena they are describing.

16. The would not want to include God in an ethical theory.

17. can also be called agent-based ethics.

18. The rights of are overlooked by Utilitarianism.

19. A imperative shows the consequent depending on the antecedent, while a imperative is a command that depends only upon itself.

Multiple Choice

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20. Which of the following is true?

a) Fines applied by the US Sentencing Commission have decreased on average since 1990.

b) Only the presence of a code of ethics in the organization is necessary to meet the US Sentencing Commission’s idea of an effective compliance program.

c) The US Sentencing Commission allows prosecutors to assess the quality of an organization’s compliance program in order to determine appropriate penalties.

d) The 1987 sentencing guidelines mandated incarceration for only the worst felony offenders.


21. The ______ ________ tradition in the West became increasingly dominant in the 17th and 18th centuries.

a) moral contractarianism

b) original position

c) social contract

d) ethical contractarianism

Choose an item.

22. Aristotelian virtues include:

a) courage, self-control, and friendliness

b) peacefulness, patience, and kindness

c) frugality, humility, and a reflective spirit

d) justice, wisdom, and humor

Choose an item.

23. According to Aristotle, one should choose worthy virtues, work toward integrating them into one’s character through habit, thus achieving ­_____________.

a) eudaimonia

b) actualization

c) phronesis

d) personhood

Choose an item.

24. Kant categorizes duties as:

a) pleasures and pains

b) reactionary and voluntary

c) necessary and optional

d) obligations and prohibitions

Choose an item.

25. Under the 2004 sentencing guidelines, the __________ are expected to oversee the compliance and ethics program while __________ is/are charged with ensuring its effectiveness within the company.

a) board of directors; top management

b) board of directors; the CEO

c) the CEO; general managers

d) the company’s ethics officer; top management

Choose an item.

26. The idea that consumers have the right to safety, right to be heard, right to choose, and right to be informed came from ____________ in ________.

a) Theodore Roosevelt; 1930.

b) The Food and Drug Act; 1906.

c) John F. Kennedy; 1962.

d) George W. Bush; 2004.

Choose an item.

27. According to the Executive Ethical Leadership Reputation Matrix, ___________ is an executive characterized as a weak “moral person” and a strong “moral manager.”

a) Unethical leader

b) Ethical leader

c) Ethically neutral leader

d) Hypocritical leader

Choose an item.

28. The four key points of the personal worldview imperative are:

a) comprehensiveness, coherence, connection to a theory of the good, requirement of personal action

b) collection, argumentation, isolation of exposition, interpretation of plausibility

c) preconventional morality, conventional morality, postconventional or principled morality, social contract morality

d) mastery of functional requirements, habitual mastery, excellence in task/behavior, habitual excellence

Choose an item.

29. Which of the following is false?

a) Any attempt to change an organization’s ethics must consider the entire cultural system.

b) A cultural system includes both formal and informal systems.

c) An effective culture change may take at most 1 to 2 years.

d) New rules and values must be reinforced via training programs and reward systems.

Choose an item.

30. Your friend, Sam, has been selected to create a new ethics training program at work. What advice should you give Sam?

a) Ensure that all employees receive the same training content.

b) Focus on new employees only; the other employees already know this stuff.

c) Provide separate training depending on the needs of different groups of employees.

d) Bring in outside consultants to conduct the training.

Choose an item.

31. The __________ approach to formal corporate ethics initiatives is proactive and inspirational, while the _________ approach focuses on required behavior or obeying the letter of the law.

a) Rules; Values

b) Compliance; Values

c) Principles; Rules

d) Values; Compliance

Choose an item.

32. The “psychic distance paradox” causes performance failures because:

a) Negotiators who are working in a similar culture to their own perceive the two cultures as being significantly different.

b) When doing business in cultures that are perceived to be similar, managers prepare less and do not realize the cultures are actually quite different.

c) Expatriate managers are unable to connect with the local culture after moving from a similar culture.

d) Managers do not understand the culture’s behavior despite language proficiency.

Choose an item.

33. “When in Rome, do as Romans do” is an example of:

a) Ethical imperialism

b) Ethical relativism

c) Cultural imperialism

d) Cultural relativism

Choose an item.

34. Moral relativism allows for different ethical standards to legitimately arise in different __________ contexts.

a) economic

b) socio-political

c) environmental

d) socio-geographical-historical

Choose an item.

35. The ______________ theory states that people should be moral because of a directive from God.

a) Deontology

b) Divine Command

c) Virtue Ethics

d) Utilitarianism

Choose an item.

36. Which of the following is not an argument against Virtue Ethics theory?

a) the problem of conservativism

b) the problem of justification

c) the problem of self and other regarding

d) the problem of the functional and normative senses of “good”

Choose an item.

37. The following are necessary for ethical behavior, according to the process of individual ethical decision making

a) ethical awareness and ethical judgment

b) code of conduct and reporting procedures

c) moral understanding and legal codes

d) ethical intelligence and moral fortitude

Choose an item.

38. Which of the following is not a communication channel for formal ethics communication within an organization?

a) corporate websites

b) recruiting brochures

c) orientation meetings and materials

d) journal publications

Choose an item.

39. Cross cultural training contributes directly to:

a) greater feelings of well-being and self-confidence for the expat manager

b) improved relationships with the organization sending the manager abroad

c) proper perception of the organization’s culture

d) stock price increases

Choose an item.

40. Hofstede’s cultural dimensions do not include:

a) individualism/collectivism

b) age-based hierarchy

c) power distance

d) masculinity/femininity

Choose an item.

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