Health Information

The term “information governance” is well understood in corporate organizations, and in the healthcare environment it is being used with greater frequency than in the past. This is due in large part to health informatics and the use of technology to transmit, store, share, and manipulate data from health records. Data is an organizational asset to be managed and valued.

Policies, controls, procedures and technologies all need to be in alignment in order for an organization to utilize the full value of this asset—information—which is now found everywhere within the organization. The challenges to growing a culture of information governance in healthcare organizations today are significant, but these challenges are still being tackled by corporate America, as you will read in the following article, located in the CSU Library: Information Governance’s Big Payback.

After reading the article, write a 2- to 3-page essay, providing your opinion on these questions:

  1. What surprised you about the results of the survey found in this article?
  2. Which parts of this survey would be applicable to the healthcare environment?
  3. What can healthcare CEOs learn from the information governance practices of large corporations?

Complete your 2- to 3-page response in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman or a similar font, 12 point, double-spaced. Your paper should be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to writing and APA requirements, with any sources and references properly cited.

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Health Information

This is an exciting and challenging time to be involved in healthcare informatics. Technologies are being developed that are rapidly changing the face of medical practice and organizations are struggling to maintain their edge in implementing systems, while reimbursement for services is decreasing and budgets are shrinking.

Technology impacts everyone involved in every aspect of patient care, from the admitting clerk at the front desk to allied health personnel and technicians to medical providers. Select one of the following technologies and provide a summary of its use in today’s healthcare environment.

  • Speech recognition technology
  • Natural language processing
  • Bar coding technology
  • Optical character and gesture recognition technologies
  • Clinical decision support systems
  • Computerized order entry
  • Electronic prescribing
  • Telehealth/Telemedicine
  • Mobile and Wireless Technologies
  • Point of Care Information Systems
  • Radio frequency identification tracking

In a 3- to 5-page essay, using sources to support your responses, answer the following questions.

  • How is your chosen technology utilized, and by whom?
  • What are the benefits to using this technology?
  • What are the challenges to its utilization?
  • Is this a “first generation” technology at this time, that is, are improvements already being developed or seen for the near future?

Complete your 3- to 5-page response in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman or a similar font, 12 point, double-spaced. Your paper should be formatted according to APA Requirements with any sources and references properly cited.

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Health Information

Public health departments provide a surveillance function pertaining to the health status of people within their geographic area, such as a city, county, or state. Large public health databases host information on the incidence and prevalence of diseases: outbreaks of influenza, high-risk populations, survival and morbidity statistics, and the trends in diseases seen over time.

Public health departments can work with primary care providers to improve management of communicable diseases and chronic diseases. As more public health departments and physician offices adopt electronic health records technology, sharing and utilizing health information to support population health initiatives will become more effective.

Read the following article, located in the CSU Library:

Strengthening Public Health and Primary Care Collaboration through Electronic Health Records

After reading this article, respond to these questions:

  1. Describe how the use of informatics in public health will support surveillance and management of communicable diseases and chronic diseases.
  2. In your own geographic area, what health promotion or prevention initiatives is your public health department involved in?

Complete your 2- to 3-page response in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman or a similar font, 12 point, double-spaced. Your paper should be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements, with any sources and references properly cited.

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Health Information

In 2013, Health Information Exchanges are growing in number, the Meaningful Use initiatives within healthcare organizations are moving forward, and numerous healthcare facilities are considering forming or joining Accountable Care Organizations in their region. The management of health data and information is foundational to all of these initiatives and others.

Select one of these current initiatives (you may select one mentioned above or another) and discuss its importance to the future of healthcare.

  1. Describe how this initiative supports patient quality care.
  2. Discuss whether it will help decrease healthcare costs.
  3. Explain how health informatics is critical to the initiative.
  4. Discuss whether this initiative will impact patient access to care.

Complete your 2- to 4-page response using Microsoft Word using Times New Roman or a similar font, 12 point, double-spaced. Select 2-3 current articles from journals to support your responses. The CSU-Global Library is a great place to find these articles. Your paper should be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements, with sources and references properly cited.

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Health Information

One of the pivotal goals of consumer health literacy efforts is to design educational materials that attract as well as educate users. In this Assignment, you design a health information document on a topic that is of interest to you.

To prepare:

  • Select a health issue of interest to you.
  • Identify the audience or population that you seek to educate about this issue.
  • Search the Internet to find credible sites containing information about your selected topic.
  • Review the two health literacy websites listed in this week’s Learning Resources. Focus on strategies for presenting information.

To complete:

  • Design an educational handout on the health issue you selected.
    • Include a cover page.
    • Include an introduction that provides:
      • An explanation of your issue and why you selected it
      • A description of the audience you are addressing
    • In the handout itself:
      • Develop your handout in such a way that it attracts the attention of the intended audience.
      • Include a description of the health issue and additional content that will enhance your message (i.e., key terms and definitions, graphics, illustrations, etc.).
      • Recommend at least five sites that provide clear, valuable, and reliable information on the topic.

Note: Remember to keep the information in your health handout and its design at the appropriate level for the audience you are seeking to inform. Submit your Assignment as a Word document.

This Assignment is due by Day 4 of this week.


  • Although the focus of this last assignment is on the handout (flyer) itself, as part of the requirements, you will provide an introduction in which you will explain the issue at hand as well as your targeted audience. You are likely to provide citations and references along that section. Thus, you will need to list those in the references list accordingly.

To summarize:

– APA format for cover Page, Introduction, and References list

– Creativity and informativeness in handout

– Meet all requirements

– Due by Day 4 (Thursday night, 11th)

– Handout must be in your file (no link to it), and the file must be Microsoft WORD (no PDF file).

– The grading rubric is different for this last assignment. I suggest you have a look at it (see in Course Information); you will then know what you will be graded on.

– Additional precisions:

  • References list = not on the flyer since it refers to your text narrative (introduction, description of your audience, etc…) = usual RL.
  • Recommended websites = intended for the flyer readers = on the flyer per se.
  • Since the flyer is about information and making sure that it addresses its purpose and reaches the intended audience, no need for APA on the flyer, just clarity, good information, and originality (nothing copied on the Web or previous works).
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Health Information

This is an exciting and challenging time to be involved in healthcare informatics. Technologies are being developed that are rapidly changing the face of medical practice and organizations are struggling to maintain their edge in implementing systems, while reimbursement for services is decreasing and budgets are shrinking.

Technology impacts everyone involved in every aspect of patient care, from the admitting clerk at the front desk to allied health personnel and technicians to medical providers. Select one of the following technologies and provide a summary of its use in today’s healthcare environment.

  • Speech recognition technology
  • Natural language processing
  • Bar coding technology
  • Optical character and gesture recognition technologies
  • Clinical decision support systems
  • Computerized order entry
  • Electronic prescribing
  • Telehealth/Telemedicine
  • Mobile and Wireless Technologies
  • Point of Care Information Systems
  • Radio frequency identification tracking

In a 3- to 5-page essay, using sources to support your responses, answer the following questions.

  • How is your chosen technology utilized, and by whom?
  • What are the benefits to using this technology?
  • What are the challenges to its utilization?
  • Is this a “first generation” technology at this time, that is, are improvements already being developed or seen for the near future?

Complete your 3- to 5-page response in Microsoft Word using Times New Roman or a similar font, 12 point, double-spaced. Your paper should be formatted according to APA Requirements with any sources and references properly cited.

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