Learn about Financial Success. If you cant manage your own money how can you manage a peoples or business money?Watch or listen to a one hour podcast by Dave Ramsey I highly encourage you to listen to a Debt Free scream (someones success story usually hear in hour two of each broad cast).https://www.daveramsey.com/show/archives/?snid=show.archiveshttps://www.daveramsey.com/show/videos/?snid=show.watchSkim Ramseys 7 Baby Steps to Financial Freedom at https://www.daveramsey.com/baby-steps/?snid=start.stepsCreate a budget Signup for Everydollar.com (https://www.everydollar.com/ online or a phone app) or some other budgeting tool. You are NOT required to purchase anything! Do not buy anything. All these tools are free or have free options. You do not need to show me a budget just tell me that you did and include what you learned in your reflection for part D.Write a short two paragraph essay on what you did and what habits you want to establish to be successful financially.
Learn about Financial Success. If you cant manage your own m
Learn about Financial Success. If you cant manage your own money how can you manage a peoples or business money?Watch or listen to a one hour podcast by Dave Ramsey I highly encourage you to listen to a Debt Free scream (someones success story usually hear in hour two of each broad cast).https://www.daveramsey.com/show/archives/?snid=show.archiveshttps://www.daveramsey.com/show/videos/?snid=show.watchSkim Ramseys 7 Baby Steps to Financial Freedom at https://www.daveramsey.com/baby-steps/?snid=start.stepsCreate a budget Signup for Everydollar.com (https://www.everydollar.com/ online or a phone app) or some other budgeting tool. You are NOT required to purchase anything! Do not buy anything. All these tools are free or have free options. You do not need to show me a budget just tell me that you did and include what you learned in your reflection for part D.Write a short two paragraph essay on what you did and what habits you want to establish to be successful financially.