- From the e-Activity, compare the primary individual factors that influence demand, and explain the significant ways in which each affects the demand curve. Provide at least one (1) example of these factors to support your rationale.
- Imagine a situation where consumers have incomplete information about their health status and about the productivity of medical care. Examine the roles of the principal and the agent in helping consumers to determine the demand for medical care in the described situation. Provide at least one (1) detailed example of such roles in action to support your response.
Nursing assignment
Please Review the instructions. You are required to have 2 references the journal article and the Hood textbook. Review the in text citation and how to cite with three authors. The rule changes as it different the first time you cite where you must include all the authors and only after the first time then you use it all.
Hood, L. J. (2014). Leddy & Pepper’s conceptual bases of professional nursing (8th ed.).
Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
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Nursing assignment
260 word
Why do you think many healthcare practitioners are often unwilling to change practice patterns, based on research findings? Some practitioners criticize evidence-based practice as “cookbook care.”
Considering these perceptions, how would you utilize your education and experiences in planning the implementation of a major change?
Nursing assignment
Select a country with a significant exodus of citizens. If you are the head of the refugee resettlement camp in (receiving country), what are the critical health issues you need to address and why? (4-5 pp, APA, with 3-4 references)
• Overall health / socioeconomic profile of country of origin
• Reasons for out-migration (war, sexual violence, slavery, torture, malnutrition)
• Prioritization of needs (using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs) and types of team members needed
• Immediate health issues (emergency, pregnancy, communicable diseases)
• Continuing health issues (chronic diseases, mental health issues, malnutrition, immunizations)
Nursing assignment
Select an ethical dilemma related to health policy from the categories of moral values, professional regulation, health of individuals in society, or distributive justice. What are the controversies surrounding this issue? What are the opposing ethical principles? How has past or current health policy addressed this dilemma? Support your reasoning with reference citations.
Nursing assignment
Nursing assignment
Begin by researching journal articles, Web resources, and other tools that address your chosen priorities.
Peruse professional organization and government Web sites for ideas, themes, and current information relating to systems, organizational, and nursing leadership with which to address your issues of priority for the course project. Links to organizations with information related to course topics are provided in the Resources for this assignment. To complete this assignment:
Assemble an APA-formatted annotated bibliography, which includes sources from 3–6 assigned readings from the course room as well as a minimum of 3–6 additional outside sources from peer-reviewed journals or professional organization or association Web sites. Describe how each of the selected sources will support your nursing leadership priorities. Ensure that your final paper contains a minimum of eight sources cited outside your assigned course room readings.
Purpose of the Literature Review
The literature review helps place your research in the context of what has already been done in the field. The literature review is a component of most scholarly writing. Dissertations include a chapter-long literature review, and research articles will include a literature review near the beginning of the article. Sometimes an entire article will be devoted to reviewing the literature.
Resources for your Literature Review
The literature review focuses on primary, peer-reviewed resources. Often starting with the seminal literature of the field, it mostly consists of research articles on the topic. Secondary sources are used sparingly, if at all.
In order to write a comprehensive literature review, you must search in multiple databases. No single source will have all of the primary resources you should consult. A comprehensive literature review should include searches in the following:
Multiple journal databases
Book databases
Sources outside the library
Literature Review and Annotated Bibliography Scoring Guide Grading RubricCriteria Non-performance Basic Proficient Distinguished
Identify current research that explores the chosen nursing leadership priorities.
15% Does not identify current research that explores the chosen nursing leadership priorities. Partially identifies current research that explores the chosen nursing leadership priorities. Identifies current research that explores the chosen nursing leadership priorities. Identifies current research that explores the chosen nursing leadership priorities and provides specific examples and supporting evidence.
Assemble a bibliography of resources that address the chosen nursing leadership priorities.
40% Does not assemble a bibliography of resources that address the chosen nursing leadership priorities. Partially assembles a bibliography of resources that address the chosen nursing leadership priorities. Assembles a bibliography of resources that address the chosen nursing leadership priorities. Analyzes the bibliography resources that address the chosen nursing leadership priorities and provides specific examples and supporting evidence.
Describe how each of the selected sources support the chosen nursing leadership priorities.
40% Does not describe how each of the selected sources support the chosen nursing leadership priorities. Partially describes how each of the selected sources support the chosen nursing leadership priorities. Describes how each of the selected sources support the chosen nursing leadership priorities. Describes how each of the selected sources support the chosen nursing leadership priorities and provides specific examples and supporting evidence.
Communicates effectively by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, and consistently using the grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional and leader.
5% Does not communicate effectively by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, or consistently using the grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional. Communicates effectively by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, or consistently using grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional, but not both. Communicates effectively by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, and consistently using the grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional. Communicates effectively by integrating research into written documents that follow APA format, and consistently using the grammar, punctuation, and mechanics expected of a nursing professional and leader.
Nursing assignment
As a foundation for engaging in scholarly writing, the nurse leader-manager or nurse informaticist must be able to engage in critical thinking and anticipate the needs, questions, and concerns of the intended audience. A scholarly writer must be able to craft a paper that demonstrates clarity, specificity, fairness, relevance, and consistency (Dexter, 2000).
As you reflect on the development of your Practicum Project Plan, take some time to consider how you will communicate your proposal objectively yet persuasively.
To prepare:
- Review the information in the Practicum Project Plan (PPP) Overview document introduced in Week 3. The overview describes the components that must be included in your plan.
- Reflect on the development of your Practicum Project Plan thus far. Address any questions you have and/or identify areas in need of further consideration or improvement.
- Develop any outstanding components of your Practicum Project Plan. For instance, you may need to continue your review of literature that justifies your project and create your project timeline.
- Review the information on scholarly writing in this week’s Learning Resources; be sure to integrate these principles as you develop your Practicum Project Plan.
- If you posted a draft of Practicum Project Plan in this week’s optional Discussion, incorporate, as appropriate, feedback you received from your colleagues.
To complete the Practicum Project Plan:
Write a 4- to 6-page scholarly paper that includes the following:
- Title
- Introduction
- Goal statement
- Project objectives
- Evidence-based review of the literature for project justification
- Methodology
- Resources
- Formative evaluation
- Summative evaluation
- Timeline
- Reference
Nursing assignment
Nursing assignment
Nursing assignment
Nursing assignment
Select two health care service providers.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper discussing the health care service providers selected and the products and support they provide.
Providers of Service Options:
- Preventative care or public health
- Ambulatory or primary care
- Subacute or long-term care
- Acute care
- Auxiliary services
- Rehabilitative services
- End-of-life care
- Mental health services
- Emergency management or disaster preparedness
- Dental services
- Military and veteran services
- Indian health services
Include the following in your paper:
- Identify the selected health care service provider.
- Identify two services and products they provide to help with quality of care.
Cite at least one peer-reviewed or scholarly reference and your textbook to support your information. For additional information on how to properly cite your sources check out the Reference and Citation Generator resource in the Center for Writing Excellence.
Format your paper according to APA guidelines. Your paper must include an introduction, conclusion, and a reference page.
Nursing assignment
Annabelle, age 34, is four months pregnant with her first child. Annabelle was obese (BMI=32) at the beginning of her pregnancy. While pregnant, she started to develop mild hypertension (145/95) and an abnormally high fasting blood glucose (128 mg/dl). Using 12-point font, double spaced in approximately 1-2 pages
evaluate her situation and make recommendations for Annabelle’s healthy pregnancy outcome. Find, cite, evaluate, and specifically discuss at least TWO sources of information (other than the textbook) that support these recommendations for a healthy pregnancy outcome. State your conclusion after discussing these articles.
Nursing assignment
Choose and research a movie that deals with the topic of addiction and obtain facilitator approval.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you answer the following:
- Explain what types of addiction were addressed and how the film’s characters became addicted, if known.
- How did this addiction physically affect the individuals involved?
- In what way did the addiction affect work and relationships?
- What were the long-term health problems associated with the addiction, if any?
- How would you confront the addiction to bring attention to the problem? Explain.
- Does the addicted individual blame his or her addiction on anyone? Do they take personal responsibility for their addiction?
- What treatments are available for the individuals? Would this work for all types of addictions? Consider, for example, alcoholism with drug addiction or smoking and eating.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Include any references consulted as in-text citations and references in APA format.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment
Nursing assignment
Nursing assignment
Applying what you have learned thus far, develop a Community Teaching Proposal designed to address the needs of Your community (MIAMI-FLORIDA).
Select one of the following as the focus for the teaching plan:
- Primary Prevention/Health Promotion
- Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population
- Bioterrorism/Disaster
- Environmental Issues
Complete the “Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal.” This will help you organize your plan and create an outline for the written assignment.
- After completing the teaching proposal, review the teaching plan with a community health and public health provider in your local community.
- Request feedback (strengths and opportunities for improvement) from the provider.
- Complete the “Community Teaching Experience” form.
Nursing assignment
Select an ethical dilemma related to health policy from the categories of moral values, professional regulation, health of individuals in society, or distributive justice. What are the controversies surrounding this issue? What are the opposing ethical principles? How has past or current health policy addressed this dilemma? Support your reasoning with reference citations.