Purpose This assessment is the second of two that provides students


200571 Management Dynamics
Written assignment #2: Managing People

(Graded; worth 10% of total marks)


This assessment is the second of two that provides students with an exercise to assist in their understanding of the management of people. In particular, how it can be characterised by mutual dependence and conflicting interests, as well as how such conflicting interests can be managed and regulated by team members.

This written assignment provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate your level of information literacy and your ability to present a cogent and coherent piece of writing that includes appropriate critical analysis relevant to the assignment question shown below. There are two parts to this assessment
Reflection on Tuckman’s model of Forming Storming Norming Performing and Adjourning (WORD DOC)
Completion of a Self and Peer Assessment (EXCEL SPREADSHEET)

Completing this assignment will assist you to achieve learning outcomes 8 and 9 of the unit.


1. Read Module 6 Working Through Others: Managing Groups and Teams pp.383-420.

2. Part 1 – WORD DOC Answer the following question using the 3 references provided. Upload it under the link Assessment 2 Managing People – WORD DOC ONLY

“Reflect on YOUR experience of working in a group for Management Dynamics using Tuckman’s framework of Forming, Storming, Norming, Performing, and Adjourning’. Describe how each of these stages was experienced by you.

3. Part 2 – COMPLETE the Self and Peer Assessment Sheet (excel spreadsheet) provided for YOUR group. Do not alter it in any way apart from adding your scores. Complete it and upload it with your Reflection through Turnitin in the link that is titled Assessment 2 Managing People – SPA EXCEL DOC ONLY.

For Part 1 – your response MUST include discussion from the following sources:

Bearman, C. Owen, C. Brooks, B. and Grunwald, J. 2013, The Problems of Maintianing Effective Teamwork During Out of Scale Events,2013 Research Forum(2013). at <.bushfirecrc.com/resources/research-report/problems-maintaining-effective-teamwork-during-out-scale-events">http://www.bushfirecrc.com/resources/research-report/problems-maintaining-effective-teamwork-during-out-scale-events>

Bonebright, D.A. 2010, 40 years of storming: a historical review of Tuckman’s model of small group development, Human Resource Development International, vol 13 no. 1 pp.111-120.

Four (Five) Stages of Team Development – Bruce Tuckman


In addition to the required sources shown above, you should use AT LEAST ONE other reference that you have found. A superior answer will include a considered discussion of the stages as experienced by you and your group members. Support your views with references – REFLECT do not describe the theory. The format of this assessment item should follow a report format with a brief introduction, answer the question using sub headings for each of the stages and a brief conclusion. You are encouraged to write this in the FIRST person i.e use – ‘I’.

Submission details, Due Date and Turnitin

Your assignment consisting of :
Word Document – Reflection of 650 words AND
Excel Spreadsheet of your Self and Peer Assessment completed by you

MUST be submitted online using this assignment template through the relevant Turnitin assignment drop box, in the Management Dynamics vUWS site, on or before 11:45PM Wednesday 28 January 2015). Assignments submitted after this time may be subject to a late penalty and must be submitted through the Late Assignment link. Under no circumstances will any UWS staff involved with the delivery of Management Dynamics or otherwise accept hard copy submissions.

The Turnitin drop box in the Management Dynamics vUWS site should be used for TEXT MATCHING PURPOSES AND ASSIGNMENT SUBMISSION. Using the Turnitin drop box for text matching means that you wish to generate and inspect a Turnitin originality report which highlights pieces of text for which Turnitin has found a match. Where proper acknowledgement is in place you will not need to do anything; where proper acknowledgement is not in place you will need to make changes to your assignment. If you have made changes to your assignment you can re-submit it to Turnitin which will over-write the existing version of your assignment as well as generate another Turnitin originality report (note that there is a delay of up to 24-hours in getting an originality report for this second or any subsequent submission of your assignment). Students should aware that the percentage of matches in the originality report may be misleading due to matching of text in the template and so students should concentrate on the text matched in their own written work.

As soon as you are happy that no further changes are necessary to your assignment you will then need to submit the final version of your assignment to the Turnitin assignment drop box. THAT IS,IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY THAT A FINAL VERSION OF YOUR ASSIGNMENT IS UPLOADED ON OR BEFORE THE DUE DATE. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES WILL THE EXCUSE THAT THE WRONG DOCUMENT WAS UPLOADED BE ACCEPTED.


650 words (± 65 words). Given the short length of this assessment item you should aim to be clear and concise in your writing in order to adhere to the word limit. Avoid lengthy descriptions, particularly of any material presented in lectures, in your text or from other sources. Do not use direct quotations but rather paraphrase what is discussed in your sources. Note this word count does NOT include the words used to compile your ‘References’ section at the end of your submission. You can only achieve a high standard by writing drafts and editing – do not attempt to write this the night before it is due.


Given the assessment asks for a response to specific questions you still need to follow the format requested for this assessment. As stated above, acknowledgement of any information sources must occur through using an in-text citation as well as a reference entry in the ‘References’ section at the end of the essay for each source used. For more information on formatting citations and reference entries go to ‘Referencing & Citation’ on the UWS Library Website.


1. DO NOT UPLOAD the template.

2. You must include your full name and SID as a Footer on the WORD DOC.

3. You must BOLD your name on the EXCEL spreadsheet – and self evaluate in addition to the peer evaluation.

4. The font to be used for this assignment is either Arial or Times New Roman script, 12 point font size, 1.5 line spacing, and left justified.

5. You also need to familiarise yourself with the Academic Misconduct Policy regarding plagiarism and collusion.

6. The Marking Guide included here is only for information purposes. DO NOT UPLOAD it with your assessment

200571 Management Dynamics:Assignment Marking Guide

Student Number:


Note: Students should be aware that the UWS policy ‘Misconduct – Student Academic Misconduct’ policy is applicable to this assessment task. This policy can be accessed using the following link: .uws.edu.au/view.current.php?id=00051″>http://policies.uws.edu.au/view.current.php?id=00051







Understands Management Dynamics topics and concepts. Able to research further into topics and concepts


Little understanding of Management Dynamics topics and concepts. Misinterprets information. Almost no evidence of research beyond text and readings.

A basic understanding of Management Dynamics topics and concepts. Little evidence of research beyond text and readings.

A comprehensive understanding of Management Dynamics topics and concepts. Evidence of some good additional research linked to argument.

A very good understanding of Management Dynamics topics and concepts. Evidence of well- targeted additional research which helps with development of argument.

An outstanding understanding of Management Dynamics topics and concepts. Evidence of excellent additional research relevant to argument.






Developed an effective response to the assessment questions (25%)

Did not make a real attempt to answer the assessment questions.

Made a limited attempt to answer some of the assessment questions.

Made a good attempt but only answered some of the assessment questions.

Made a very good attempt and answered most of the assessment questions.

Made an excellent attempt which answered all of the assessment questions.






Able to demonstrate independent critical analysis skills (15%)

Regurgitates information from lectures and readings. Little evidence of critical thinking or analysis.

A satisfactory level of critical thinking or analysis with a tendency to describe.

A good level of critical thinking or analysis. Insightful and critical reflections start to emerge.

A very good level of critical thinking or analysis. Insightful and critical reflections are evident.

An excellent level of critical thinking or analysis. Insightful and critical reflections are evident. Synthesises concepts and abstract ideas.






Able to construct a coherent and logical discussion (20%)

Disjointed, unfocused, poorly structured argument. Disconnected, fragmented paragraphs; no clear line of argument.

Evidence of a basic line of argument; improvement needed to create coherent argument.

Organization of ideas relatively clear, but some work still needed to take argument to a higher level.

Able to construct a coherent line of argument right through the assessment. Evidence of flow.

Able to construct a coherent line of argument right through the assessment, and to effectively synthesise and integrate ideas.






Able to use sound grammar and spelling (10%)

Poor expression due to poor grammar and/or incorrect punctuation. Unacceptable number of spelling errors.

Some grammatical discrepancies; few punctuation and spelling errors.

Relatively good grammar and punctuation. No punctuation and spelling errors.

Sound grammar, punctuation and spelling. Good writing style.

Outstanding use of grammar, punctuation and spelling. An elegant writing style. A great joy to read!






Made appropriate acknowledgements to information sources used(10%)

Most ideas from information sources have not been acknowledged. Referencing in text and in list inadequate

Attempted Harvard referencing but displays poor grasp of academic convention.

Some inconsistencies in Harvard referencing with in-text citations and/or references.

All of the ideas from information sources have been acknowledged in text and in list.

All of the ideas from information sources have been acknowledged; a high level of understanding of the Harvard system.

An excellent level of comprehensive referencing throughout the assessment. Reference list is complete and without any errors.






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