Question:Question:Identify and describe the key challenges to multi-pa

Question:Question:Identify and describe the key challenges to multi-party negotiations.Identify and describe the strategies necessary to overcome each of the aforementioned negotiator challenges.Looking back at the discussion in module 4 regarding the sale of the mansion, list and describe the challenges in that scenario and the strategies would have been appropriate to deal with those challenges. Be sure to include the rationale for the challenges and strategies you selected.Scenario 4 :You are the real estate broker for one of your firm’s top clients. He has enlisted your firm to list his very desirable, but very old mansion. In fact, it’s considered a historic treasure throughout the community. A potential buyer loves the location and believes that the mansion should be torn down to make way for a new drugstore development. Your client’s only request is that the mansion remains intact for the community to enjoy for many years to come. I almost forgot to mention (as did the seller to you and the firm) that the house actually sits on the old city dump with who knows what buried beneath. One more thing, the county government has approached your firm with a potential full purchase price offer if the seller agrees to clear the lot for the new county offices (seller nor buyer have any knowledge of this inquiry).This assignment is concerned with how we approach negotiations, identify challenges and select strategies to deal with those challenges. The purpose is not to find a specific solution to a problemPlease cite sources.

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