Results Date Survey Taken: 6/12/2014 Organizational Culture Profile

MGMT 591 Week 6 OCI Results Date Survey Taken: 6/12/2014
Organizational Culture Profile

OCI Style Your
Raw Score Your
Percentile Score Typical Ideal
Percentile Score*
1. Humanistic-Encouraging 30 25% 85%
2. Affiliative 30 16% 71%
3. Approval 30 64% 27%
4. Conventional 30 62% 18%
5. Dependent 30 48% 24%
6. Avoidance 30 89% 27%
7. Oppositional 30 90% 45%
8. Power 30 76% 30%
9. Competitive 30 81% 42%
10. Perfectionistic 30 53% 25%
11. Achievement 30 17% 78%
12. Self-Actualizing 30 27% 82%
* The typical ideal percentile scores are based on the average scores of 10 members randomly selected from each of 56 different organizations. The 560 respondents in this sample completed the OCI-Ideal, answering in terms of how people should be expected to behave to maximize the effectiveness of their organization.

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