Topic: Management consulting.Due: 17/10/17Word limit: 1500 w Topic: Management consulting.Due: 17/10/17Word limit: 1500 wordsReferencing: HARVARD**SEE ATTACHED FILES FOR INSTRUCTION & DETAILS*** Also read: CLWM4000 Commercial Law Assignment Due: 30th January 2015 (5pm) Length: 1500 words +/- 10% Devise a one-sentence thesis statement that states your focus for the paper on a consulting company called “Tom-Tom Consulting” need to write a report of 1500 words on one of the video out Developing Job Performance Standards and Measuring Job Performance paper. 1500 words. Get an A++. Create a recovery focused nursing care plan for the mental health patient from case study 2 no introduction and conclusion are required and that the word count is 1500 works with 20% over or under allowed create a Recovery based nursing care plan for the patient in case study 2. the assignment is to be completed in the format provided in the attached document including completion of HONOs One goal per page Requiring 22 Referances, UK english