You have been working for the Daily Grind as a product manager for alm

You have been working for the Daily Grind as a product manager for almost 2 years and it is time for your annual performance review. According to your friend in HR, there is a 40% probability that you will be promoted this year. Pressing her for more information, she tells you that there is a 25% probability that you will get a promotion and a raise. You are not overly enthused by this information until she tells you that something good will happen because there is a 72% probability that you will get a promotion, a raise, or both. You feel confident that you have done a good job, so given that you get the promotion, what is the probability that you will also get a raise?Approximately43%Approximately15%Approximately32%Approximately 63%2. You have been working for the Daily Grind as a product manager for almost 2 years and it is time for your annual performance review. According to your friend in HR, there is a 40% probability that you will be promoted this year. Pressing her for more information, she tells you that there is a 25% probability that you will get a promotion and a raise. You are not overly enthused by this information until she tells you that something good will happen because there is a 72% probability that you will get a promotion, a raise, or both.Considering this information, what is the probability that you get a raise?43%57%32%15%3. Candy has applied at two different stores (Macy’s and Dillard’s) in order to earn money for her college tuition. According to the employment agency, the probability that Macy’s will hire her is 23% and the probability that she will be hired by Dillard’s is 19%. She is feeling confident because the agency also told her that the probability of gettingat least one of the jobs is 38%. What is the probability that she gets job offers from BOTH companies?62%20%15%4%4. Candy has applied at two different stores (Macy’s and Dillard’s) in order to earn money for her college tuition. According to the employment agency, the probability that Macy’s will hire her is 23% and the probability that she will be hired by Dillard’s is 19%. She is feeling confident because the agency also told her that the probability of gettingat least one of the jobs is 38%. What is the probability that she gets job offers from Macy’s but not Dillard’s?19%20%15%4%5. Candy has applied at two different stores (Macy’s and Dillard’s) in order to earn money for her college tuition. According to the employment agency, the probability that Macy’s will hire her is 23% and the probability that she will be hired by Dillard’s is 19%. She is feeling confident because the agency also told her that the probability of getting at least one of the jobs is 38%. What is the probability that she gets job offers from NEITHER Company?62%15%19%77%

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