book review

A book review about in a subject of  American Politics. The book will be your choice, but consult me first before starting the book.

The introduction should start like this: The book review is organized as follows …. (( book identifier )) half a page . Afterwards, Section 1 should be : (( Summary of the book )) 1 page and half. Afterwards. In Section 2 we should have : (( Other authors thoughts about the book we are reviewing )) 2 pages. Afterwards, Section 3 should be : (( My opinion of the book )) 4 pages.


Note : Theory first followed by case study. Also, all the footnotes ( endnotes) should be in the LAST PAGE in Chicago style ( nothing in the bottom of each page ). No quotes should be used just a paraphrase. and NO more than 8 pages not counting the title page, and footnote page.Footnotes should be between 80-95 footnotes in total. each page should have at least 7 footnotes. Check the attachment ( the book review prompt ) for more details and an example of how this book review must be done.

Note: in section two, try to use at least 10 to 15 other authors opinions about the book we are writing about.

you can use different books, for instance, to use other books to support your opinion about the book, or to use other authors in other books, to show what the other authors think about the book in question.


When citing a source, the footnote, should have the exact page number taken from the book, and not using multiple pages. For instance, writing a source like this 206-243, is wrong, use only 1 page, which the citation is taken from.


Also, when citing a source, it should be first name then last name, not the other way around.


I will also upload and edited version of a footnotes page that you have written to see what the professor want to be changed.


Note2: the book you choose to write a review about has to be about american politics, and has 1 (author/ writer) .


Extra notes :


  1. Times New Roman type font;
  2. Headers are 14 font; sub-headers 12 font;
  3. Review is written in 3rd person active tense, do not use I or me or first or second person tense;
  4. Four sections: an Introduction; b. summary of book; c. Other Experts view of the book; and d. your argument on the strengths and weaknesses of book; and
  5. Review must be well edited, well-argued, no punctuation or grammar mistakes, well-footnoted;

I hope this can clarify some of the book review,



Thank you,


Extra guide lines:

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Book Review

reviews belong to the widespread academic tasks, which are given to students of colleges, high schools, universities regularly. There are several stages, which need to be completed, when performing this type of academic work. First of all it is necessary to read the recommended book, maybe making some notes for better comprehension of the main ideas and events. Then it is necessary to look for secondary sources, i.e. for the articles, reviews, samples and other information, which was written by critics about this book, as often they could contribute to your understanding and reconsideration of the author’s message and ideas. As soon as all the preparation steps are finished, it is high time to start writing your own book review. If you don’t know how to write it or don’t have time either for preparation or for writing – you are welcome to get the professional and highly –qualified review writing help from our online writing service.

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