DEVRY SOCS350 WEEK 2 QUIZ and week 6 quiz

(TCOs 1 & 2) The existence of a wide variety of cultures and subcultures represented within a society is _____.



cultural diversity

culturally different

cultural diffusion

Points Received: 4 of 4


Question 2. Question :

(TCOs 1 & 2) A category of people distinguished from the dominant society on the basis of distinctive and identifiable cultural characteristics is _____.

White ethnics


ethnic group



Points Received: 0 of 4


Question 3. Question :

(TCOs 1 & 2) Caucasians with origins other than Northern or Western European who still hold and value their ethnic identity but do so without social cost are _____.

a culture

an ethnic group


White ethnics

a race

Points Received: 4 of 4


Question 4. Question :

(TCOs 3 & 4) The tangible artifacts created by a culture are _____.

: nonmaterial cultures


cultural lags

material cultures


Points Received: 4 of 4


Question 5. Question :

(TCOs 3 & 4) The disconnect in a society that occurs when material culture changes more rapidly than nonmaterial culture is _____.

: globalization



cultural diversity

cultural lag

Points Received: 4 of 4


Question 6. Question :

(TCOs 1, 3, & 4) The process that occurs when concepts, ideas, language, and behaviors cross cultural boundaries is _____.

cultural diffusion

cultural lag



cultural diversity

: 0 of 4


Question 7. Question :

(TCOs 1 & 2) Evaluating cultural differences in relationship to one’s own cultural standards is _____.






Question 8. Question :

(TCOs 3 & 4) An example of a person managing differences by avoidance would be

moving the offices of the two people who don’t get along further from each other.

talking to each one separately.

bringing this problem to the attention of higher management.

addressing the problem in a team meeting.

Question 9. Question :

(TCOs 3 & 4) Which of the following statements is/are true about cultures over time?

Cultures discard some of their elements that are no longer useful.

One culture enriches another culture.

Cultures are more apt to grow if not isolated.

All of the above

Question 10. Question :

(TCOs 1 & 2) Methods of communication vary among cultures. Some use direct and simple methods while others use indirect and complex means. Which cultures prefer indirect ways of communicating and use of gestures, facial expressions, some vague comments, and so on?

Japanese and Egyptian


Israeli and Americans

Japanese and Israeli

Question 11. Question :

(TCOs 1 & 2) Name and briefly describe the three categories of ethical theories introduced in the book. Briefly describe how the caring ethical theory can be used to understand and impact diversity at work and school.

quiz 6

(TCOs 6 & 7) Why is the following statement false? You can easily figure out how to communicate with your coworkers as long as you know their ethnicity.

This statement assumes that all people from a culture have the same communication style and patterns.

This statement does not take into account the saliency or importance of various factors on these coworkers’ communication styles.

This statement does not factor in individuals’ socialization and life experiences.

All of the above are reasons that one cannot generalize about how others will communicate just because they belong to a certain ethnic group.

Question 2. Question :

(TCOs 6 & 7) Millennial workers (1980–2000) tend to be motivated by

gradual organizational change.

flexibility and feedback.

working on projects alone.

authority and discipline.

Question 3. Question :

(TCOs 6 & 7) The term white privilege means that

White people have more money than people of color.

Most white people have a deeper understanding of racial issues than people of color.

Whites have unearned advantages that they often are not aware of having.

Racism no longer exists and blacks or other racial groups have attained excessive, unfair gains.

Instructor Explanation:

Question 4. Question :

(TCOs 4 & 7) Something that can generate ethnocentric responses or defensive reactions, such as voice, appearance, attitude, or behavior, is called _________.


ethnic identity

racial identity


a trigger

Question 5. Question :

(TCOs 4 & 7) Time and manners are examples of this type of trigger:

CORRECT behavior.





Question 6. Question :

(TCO 8) The social position in life that comes as a result of behavior or things that happen over which one has no control (race, gender, and so on) is called _____.

achieved status

socioeconomic status

ascribed status



Question 7. Question :

(TCOs 4, 5, & 7) What organizational strategies can be put in place to demonstrate that diversity is valued and to promote a culture of nondiscrimination? Discuss two specific ways in which organizations can accomplish these goals.

Question 8. Question :

(TCO 8) From the reading in Chapter 14, briefly describe general racial disparities and inequities that exist in the workplace, education, and justice system. How can these disparities be removed?

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