Digital Media & Society Quiz

Digital Media & Society/Accuracy & Excellence needed (to be read read carefully)

Enter your answers to each of the questions here.

1. What is a term that is often used unilaterally to describe any “online” content but ultimately includes digital transmittable text, graphics, audio, or video content?

A. Consumable Content

B. Digital Media

C. Web 2.0 Media

D. Social Media

2. Graphics that employ video and animation to present the appearance of motion are called:

A. Videos

B. Infographics

C. Motion Graphics

D. Animated Gifs

3. The mission of the World Wide Web Consortium is to:

A. Guide the development of the World Wide Web through the creation and endorsements of protocols to help content creators and consumers better understand the internet.

B. Provide a list of best practices for people who create websites and applications.

C. Protect the rights of people with disabilities by ensuring that the World Wide Web remains available to all no matter what their circumstance.

D. To allow individuals who represent technology companies from around the globe to come together and discuss the trends and history of the World Wide Web.

4. Beliefs and actions that reflect and align with societal and individual values are:

A. Digital Stewardship

B. Online Honest Policy

C. Digital Dogma

D. Ethical Behavior

5. The effect that digital media has had on the reporting on and consumption of news and how political methodology, communication to and perception by the general public has changed as a result of new media.

A. Communication Theory

B. Social Networking

C. Digital Media Impact on News & Politics

D. Impact of Interface Design

6. The term Web 2.0 was coined in 2004 by:

A. Tim O’Reilly

B. Tim Berners-Lee

C. Tim Tebow

D. Tim McGraw

7. In our weekly discussion, your classmate, Matt Gomez brought up the Arab Spring and the civil unrest in Ferguson to give examples of the double edge sword of social media. What issue related to social media did he bring up?

A. The growing number of social media platforms

B. The lack of bandwidth in rural communities

C. The lack of privacy of social media

D. The speed that information can travel

8. A term first introduced by Gareth White at the University of Sussex describes people who are left behind the innovation curve with respect to new advances in technology. When it comes to the Internet, this term could refer to people who are unable to perform a function, such as making a purchase or checking a bank statement, due to inaccessibility of the content, platform or device. The term for this is:

A. Section 508

B. Technophile

C. Digital Outcast

D. Technocrat

9. In class, we learned about the seven unique features of e-commerce. Which of the following is not one of these features?

A. Universal standards

B. Information density

C. Personalization and customization

D. Traceable shipping and returns

10. All of the following are examples of items that give better accessibility, except:

A. Keyboard input

B. Multiple monitors

C. Alternative text

D. Transcripts

11. In class, when we learned about online privacy, we discussed ways to keep your data secure. Which of the following is not a method we discussed?

A. Using virtual private networks (VPNs)

B. Using credit cards instead of secure payment systems

C. Using encrypted storage

D. Using two-factor authentication

12. In the discussions area, your classmate, Michael Onufrak concedes that even he, who claims being a strong multitasker, is sometimes be distracted by being constantly connected. He came to this conclusion:

A. After reading about James E. Katz’s theory of continuous partial attention.

B. After watching the movie about Steven Hawking, The Theory of Everything.

C. After learning about Robert Cialdini’s six principles of persuasion

D. After reading John Short’s social presence theory

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