Ashford BUS352 Week 3 – Both Discussion Questions

BUS 352 Week 3 – Discussion Questions

DQ 1 – Four P’s of Marketing

In a paragraph, relate B2B to the four P’s of marketing (product, price, placement, promotion). Then, describe a B2B exchange and identify how it demonstrates the four P’s. Prepare your response in 200 words and respond to two other learners.

DQ 2 – Knowledge Management

Read Case 6.1, EC Application – Knowledge Management at Infosys Technologies. Identify the knowledge management cycle, found in exhibit 6.6, in this case, applying each entity such as create, capture, refine, etc. to the case and briefly explaining each one. Then, explore the broader question of how knowledge management is related to e-commerce. Prepare your response in 200 words and respond to two other learners.

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